Blogging from A to Z: Victoria’s Party Dress


Posted by gedneydroveend | Posted in Jack A | Posted on April 26, 2016



We created an A to Z of words that made us think about something we’ve learned about the Victorians, and used them for inspiration to write our blog posts. Some links are more obvious than others, but all of our posts are original, interesting and the result of our hard work! Enjoy 🙂


Victoria had a long day ahead. She had to have a party to celebrate being Queen of England.

She didn’t have a perfect dress and there was a dress contest.

The princess couldn’t ask her mum to make one, as her mum was dead, and her dad (Edward VII) didn’t know how to make them.

So she asked a servant to do it- but the servant said, “No!” He was punished. Then she asked if any of the other servants would like to do it.

“I will, I will” said one servant.

“Good,” said Victoria.

The servant made a lovely gold and blue dress. Victoria had to try the dress on about ten times before it was perfect, but the day was saved. She won the dress challenge and rewarded the helpful servant with a present.

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